We're Not Comfortable Until You Are
HVAC Services in Ft. Smith, AR
and the surrounding area!
As you winterize your home, giving your heating system some attention is vital. Since you haven't used your heater in many months, a winterization routine will help you address maintenance issues you neglected last winter.
Following these simple maintenance steps will ensure you can heat your Arkansas home efficiently and safely:
A tune-up is a necessary part of heating winter maintenance in Fort Smith because the service reverses most of the wear and tear damage the system likely suffered through its use in the previous year. Your technician will fine-tune your entire system and look for repair issues that might compromise your heating efficiency.
Most people overlook duct cleaning without realizing the importance of clean ducts and registers. As dust and debris collect in your ductwork, your indoor air quality will suffer. In addition, blockages can reduce heating efficiency. Make duct cleaning a part of heating winter maintenance in Fort Smith to ensure clean and efficient heating this winter.
If your HVAC technician informs you about the need for heating repairs, schedule them as promptly as possible. Putting off repairs can negatively impact your heating system, seeing as most malfunctions result in reduced heating power and more energy waste. The malfunction will worsen over time without repairs and could, therefore, result in the loss of your system at a crucial time.
It's easy to forget about the heating system's air filter. And though it may seem like a trivial matter, running your heater with a dirty filter leads to a variety of problems. Your indoor air quality will suffer, and you'll notice a drop in heating efficiency. Furthermore, since running the system with a dirty filter increases the rate of wear and tear damage, you'll probably need more repairs throughout the season as well.
J & K Heating & Air Ventilating Inc. provides the HVAC services you need for efficient climate control in Fort Smith. When you start the winter season off with a proper inspection and tune-up, you'll keep your heating costs lower without sacrificing comfort. To schedule services,
contact us today.